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Create personal reports & notifications in Quickbase

applications how to notifications reports Nov 28, 2018

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You can set up your own reports, notifications, and reminders to stay informed on what's important to you. While not everyone will have access to these options it's good to know how to use them if you do.

Personal reports and notifications help clear the clutter for others and keep you on top of what you care about most!

  • Want to follow what changes are being made to a specific record?
  • Would it be helpful to get an email when your name is mentioned in a notes field?
  • Tired of always filtering someone else's report for the view you need?

To access your personal reports and notifications follow these three steps:

  1. Open the drop-down in the upper-right corner next to your name
  2. Select 'My personal settings in this app'
  3. Choose to create either a new report or notification/subscription

Just remember personal doesn't mean private. App admins can still view and access your personal reports and notifications.

I've also included where admins can manage all reports & notifications including personal ones.




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